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Why you need a living will

On Behalf of | May 9, 2024 | Estate Planning

You may have discussed in casual conversations with your loved ones your preferences for medical care in case you are unable to communicate them yourself. This can happen after an incapacitating injury or medical condition.

While such discussions are important, it is crucial to formalize your wishes through a living will. This legal document provides clear instructions to healthcare providers and family members about the type of medical care you want to receive or avoid if you cannot express your preferences.

It puts you in control of your medical affairs

A living will allows you to make decisions about your healthcare rather than leaving it in the hands of your loved ones. You can specify the circumstances under which you would want life-sustaining treatments like ventilator support or artificial nutrition. You can also address other aspects of your medical care, such as pain management and organ donation.

It can help avoid disputes

Your loved ones may have to make difficult decisions about your healthcare preferences if you do not effectively communicate beforehand. This can lead to disagreements, confusion and unnecessary stress. You may also end up receiving medical care that goes against your wishes.

It’s not just for the elderly 

You do not have to be elderly or terminally ill to consider having a living will. Accidents and unexpected medical conditions can happen at any time, and it’s advisable to stay ahead of such situations.

Making clear and binding instructions about your healthcare preferences with a living will can give you and your loved ones peace of mind. Remember, it’s a legal document, and you must do everything right to ensure its enforceability. Reaching out for informed guidance can help ensure your living will is valid and accurately reflects your wishes.